The Greatest Game ever Played

This story takes place in America, during the U.S. vs. British Open. It is a true story, about a boy who loves golf, and challenges the top world professionals, in exchange for nothing; no winning payments, no family honor...nothing but a name among the best in sports.But he persues his dream.
It is also a true story about one of the pros. When he was a boy, he was told the golf course was no place for him. Now he intends to prove that statement wrong.
Watch as two men compete in one of the most gripping movies I have seen in a long time.
This movie has a way of being more intense than an action film! Filled with typical bright Disney colors, and interesting cinematogrophy. The characters are all fantastic, and frequently hilarious. (Especially the short, fat kid who playes the caddy.)
A film for all ages, entertaining to young, teen, and old alike.
Hillarious? The litlle kid drove me insane.
A good movie, but definitly not a "must-see."
patrick, in my experience, intelligent/cute little kids always drive you insane. I'm sorry. I think most anyone else would love him.
Amen, Tim.
I did think it was pretty good, though.
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