X3: the Last Stand

Supposedly the final episode in the X-men series, this movie leaves plenty of room for a sequel. A new director, since the old one went to directing Superman.
This film has many twists and unexpected...Occurrences. (Highlight the following if you've seen the movie, or if you don't mind spoilers): Cyclops is killed by Jean, who comes back as the most powerful mutant ever, with limitless powers. Seriously, did he die in the comic books? Then she kills Professor X, but if you stay until the very end of the credits, you see that he comes back in another body. And the humans invent a "healing" solution, which they can shoot at mutants to make them lose their powers. So by the end of the movie, most mutants who are not theoretically dead, have lost their powers. Mystique loses her power, and Magneto becomes Ian Mac Kellan. (Except at the end, he makes a metal chess piece twitch without touching it.) Rogue gets sore at life, and leaves her boyfriend, "Iceman", falsely thinking he doesn't like her any more. Pyro is more of a jerk than you thought he could be, and Storm was almost cool, except that she had too much screen time. Several new characters are also introduced. (or rather, thrown in your face with hardly a decent introduction.) They include the awesome, furry, and very athletic Beast; the quiet, winged son of the inventor of the "cure", Angel; the unstoppable, perpetually furious Juggernaut; and other random mutants. And there is no Nightcrawler!! And Wolverine is still awesome, as always.
New characters have too little backstory, and not enough character development, and old characters are mostly as awesome as ever. If you can follow about ten different plotlines at once, you're good to go.
But I'm just being overly critical. X3 is no family movie, and not one I'll buy anytime soon, and I think it could have been made better, but other than that it was great!
Perhaps the most negative positive review ever...but one I pretty much agree with. I liked it, although where it stands in the X-men pantheon is something still to be determined.
i still give it a C-, D+ and i can back up everything. but your spoiler thing was great! hahaha I loved it! God Bless man congrats on the Graduation! -sean
Sean, I will not talk to you for 3 weeks. Which, coincidentally, is just about the length of time until I am likely to see you again. Anyway...
I LOVE X3! I also like how you did your spoiler thing, Tim. At first I thought it was random names in different colors scattered across the screen...yeah. Anyway, I thought it was possibly the best x-men movie, but they're all really good.
Nice thought-out review, Tim. The question is whether x3 deserves a nice thought-out review!!
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