My Video Camera

Recently my folks said that they had meant to let me choose a video camera for my last birthday, so I could go ahead and pick any camera up to $500...
So I got this new video camera! didn't come with a cord of any sort, except for the battery charger, but it came with a remote! It shoots in really low light, optional widescreen, and various light effects. You can also attatch headphones and a microphone to it. It shoots in 3CCD, which is the professional color capturing quality level.
It came, for discount price, (thus the missing cords), from Circuit city, with a free tripod and carry case!
So basically it's really cool, and I can now do all sorts of filming on my own.
Yes, it is really cool. Im jealous. ;-)
SWEET!!! PERKINS HERE I AM!!! sorry its taken me so long.. as my old english teacher once said "the internet is like a big dark scary forest." I think its more like Mirkwood...where if you get lost your dead meat. Anyway. here I am. Awesomeness Camera. Make sure you convert the world with it. We haven't got all day you know. God Bless I must go see if im late for my Bio class (ouch) -Sean.d
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