
Friday, December 30, 2005

Plan 9 from Outer Space

Widely regarded as the worst film ever made. It is said to be so bad that it is actually funny. A perfect example of what not to do as a filmmaker. It is supposed to be a horror alien/zombie movie, but completely fails to terrorize.
The movie stars Bella Lugosi (Dracula), who has just lost his wife. His wife is played by Vampira, who walks about the cemetery zombie-like. Innocent policemen or gravediggers are caught by these abborations, (who don't look frightening at all). One wonders why nobody attempts to run from them.
Flying saucers are spotted; hubcaps hanging from wires.
A cop car races to a scene in the middle of the day, and 30 seconds later, pulls up to the place: a completely different type of car, and in the middle of the night.
Bela Lugosi died halfway through production, and so for the rest of the movie, a different actor, with his cloak pulled over his face to hide the fact, plays the part.
Could the script be any worse? I don't think so. [At one point, a zombie walks in on a conversation, and just as he is about to grab somebody, the aliens kill him fro a distance, and the zombie falls to the floor. The policeman who is present pulls away the cloak covering the figure, revealing a skeleton. Someone says, "Hey! He didn't look like that a minute ago!"]
The aliens are normal people, who believe in God, but have decided to destroy earth before it destroys the universe with a bomb yet undiscovered.
Normally I don't like to watch zombie movies, but this one is nothing typical. It's a joke...even though it takes itself seriously. Very bad movie, but very funny. Watch it, and enjoy it.


Blogger PB said...

Haha, now I want to see it because of its sheer stupidity. I have heard stories of this movie and now I'll have to see it. not before Cinderella Man or the 6th Sense though.

9:05 PM  

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