Cinderella Man
Jimmy Braddock was a boxer in the early 1930's, and found himself as desperate for money and food as everyone else at the time.
This movie is the story of how he deals with the situation.
He is getting a little old for boxing, but the only other job opportunity is at the docks, where "you just don't get picked every day".
He was kicked off the boxing profession since he was getting progressively worse, and his right hand kept breaking.
He was given the opportunity to box some guy, and accepted. He won, and was congratulated by his friends at the docks the next day.
The climax is reached when he is scheduled to fight the boxing champion of the time; some hotshot who is proud of the fact that he has killed two men in the rink before. Now he is boasting that he will kill Braddock.
Braddock's wife, (who can actually act), is entirely against it, but realizes that he can only win if he knows his wife it behind him. (Hooray for loyal wives! That is one of my favorite parts of the movie)
The movie has the occasional X-ray shot, just to show you that, yes, his ribs cracked right there, and yes, that hurt.
My personal favorite carachter is his little trainer. Every other word is a cuss word, but that only adds to his carachter. He swears when he's mad, he swears when he's nervous, and he swears when he is doing just about anything else.
Good movie. This movie was not nearly as popular as it should have been.
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