the "Road To:" series

In case you don't know, This is a bunch of movies that Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour did together. Usually, they are very funny; full of witty jokes and quick sass.
"Am I dead?"
"I can't tell; you always look like that."
Not one of their better jokes, but the first that springs to mind.
Here is a list of all the Road-To movies:
The Road to Singapore (1940)
The Road to Zanzibar (1941)
The Road to Morocco (1942) - said to be their best
The Road to Utopia (1945)
The Road to Rio (1947)
The Road to Bali (1952) - the only one in color
The Road to Hong Kong (1962)
I have seen most of them, but I don't remember them all very well. They are filled with some of the most classic dumb jokes of all time, and as only Bing Crosby and Bob hope could do, they usually are very funny.