
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

March of the Penguins

Suprisingly good for a documentary about birds!
You know how documentaries always seem before you see them? Not to say boring, but you know...
Anyhow, it was full of artistic, scenic, entertaining and inspiring shots. Not much dialogue, but narrated by Morgan Freeman.
I was most struck by how much penguins can resemble people, in posture as well as behavior.
Like the last purely peaceful and innocent tribe on earth...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Sixth Sense

"I see dead people"...
Shyamalan's best film, but not my personal favorite.
Actually, the first time I saw it, it scared the willies out of me. It is not an "in your face" type of scary movie, but rather a subtle approach, that may tend to make you want to hide in little red tents, and steal small statues from churches.
Also, If you have not seen this movie, on no account should you let anyone tell you the ending. It is one of the most famous twist-endings of all time. Watch it.
Shutting up now...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What Seven Dwarf are you?

I found this little test that tells you which of the seve Dwarves you are. I am Bashful. Which are you?
Click here to Take the test

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Polar Express

First off, this movie has fantastic, ground-breaking special effects.
Computer animation done like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings, where the actors act the part physically, then the computer artists put the animation over them.
Also, Tom Hanks does the voices of the train conductor, the hero boy, Santa Clause, the boy's father, and the hobo atop the train.
Other than cool appearances, the story lacks in all respects. It deliberately plays "inoffensive" Christmas music, and "Merry Christmas" is said as seldom as possible. And none of the characters are believable.
Great effects, no story.
Too bad there was no "making-of" on the DVD!